20 Weeks

Up until our 20 week appointment there were no indications of any abnormalities of either fetus’s. However, at our measurement appointment we were informed of multiple anomalies of Twin A, our baby girl. The most concerning was her Intrauterine Growth Restriction (IUGR). The doctor informed us of what was thought to be related side effects due to her growth restrictions. Our daughter’s heart placement within her chest was showing abnormalities. The doctor also identified a clubbed foot. A genetic counselor met with us immediately following the appointment and both doctors prepared us to lose our daughter, as they were doubtful that she would make it through genetic testing. They also made sure to inform us that what we choose has potential to harm our healthy son.

We were referred to Children’s Hospital where they performed the most extensive genetic screening, all of which would come back negative. An echocardiogram was also done, this showed a vascular ring but the doctor confirmed that it is something that could be treated. In the final ultrasound we were informed that there was in fact no clubbed foot. Our daughter had defied all odds and made it through genetic testing and gave us a sense of hope that she will continue to be our miracle.