29 Weeks

A leak was detected in Mina’s intubation tube causing the need for a planned extubation in order to replace her tube. However, they felt as though she deserved the chance to be placed on IMV to see if she could sustain a lower need of support. Mina was able to manage being extubated for 2 hours before she became tired and needed to once again be intubated. Although Mina seemed to be having a positive response to her current treatment, there were still so many unknowns about her anatomy in order to thoroughly provide her with the necessary care she needed. A CTE was finally in order to be able to learn more about what she was up against.

Masi is continuing to handle all of his feeds through his feeding tube and is now above his birth weight. He is weighing in at 1070 grams which converts to 2lbs 5.7oz.